Tariff 收費表
Effective Date: 28-June-2024
Item | Fee | |
1 | Additional Delivery Charge Ma Wan Discovery Bay | HKD$350 per visit HKD$550 per visit |
2 | Stair Handling Surcharges Remarks: 4-8 stairs will be treated as half floor, 8-14 stairs will be treated as one floor. FloorMinimum charge: $200 | Per floor: 2.5% of invoice amount |
3 | Additional Moving Distance | First 50 meters: Free |
4 | Administration Fee | HKD $500 / request |
5 | Storage Fee | HKD $200/ day |
6 | Receipt Issuance Fee | HKD $50 per receipt |
7 | Inspection Fee | HKD $500 per visit |
*Customer should be paid at our shop in advance for confirming the above additional service.
*The above terms and conditions are calculated on working days (Monday to Friday except public holidays).
項目 | 費用 | |
1 | 運輸費 馬灣 愉景灣 | 港幣三百五十元 (每次計) 港幣五百五十元 (每次計) |
2 | 上樓費 | 每層為訂單銀碼的2.5% |
3 | 推路費 | 首50公尺免費,其後每100公尺收取費用為發票金額的2.5% |
4 | 行政費 | 港幣五百元 (每單計) |
5 | 存倉費 | 港幣二百元 (每日計) |
6 | 另發收據手續費 | 港幣五十元 (每張計) |
7 | 檢查費 | 港幣五百元 (每次計) |
*以上條款及細則均以工作天計算 (星期一至星期五,公眾假期除外)。